My Favorite Chili Recipe(s)
Bottom layer - Rice: Ben's Original (must precook) or Long
Grain & Wild or Santa Fe, depending on your mood (may help to
preheat rice, especially if 90-second package, but not instant).
For an unexpected variation, substitute Ramen noodles for the
rice. Use only 7/8 cup of water instead of draining, stir often.
Save the flavor packet for soup bouillon.
Middle layer - Chili: McCormick Original or Mild or Tex-Mex chili mix
(follow directions on pouch). Hot may be blended in with Original
to taste. Use dark red kidney beans (Progresso, for example) and
your choice of ground/chopped beef (prefer lean). Bison, by
itself or mixed with beef makes an interesting variation. For
pre-mixed, use Campbell's Chunky Roadhouse or Firehouse (may
be combined with any of the above configurations). Add corn
(whole kernel or creamed) and/or diced bell peppers (green/red
/yellow) to taste, before or after cooking for desired consistency.
If preparing on stove top, make up this layer first.
Top layer - Colby Jack cheese, sliced to preferred thickness (Green
Bay or Great Value or Kraft, for example) or TexMex shredded.
Bake or microwave combined recipe until cheese is completely
melted (in microwave, about 2 minutes at 80%, twice, with a
minute in between to let the heat soak through).
Remove from heat, then sprinkle/shake/pour on Cholula sauce to
If cooked in a bowl, the result looks very much like an apple pie!
There, the resemblance ends.
Gravity Project
Motion of charged particles - T. E. Greene - 1971 - 9/21/2007.
Shows center of mass of gravitating particle clusters.
PowerBASIC Console Compiler 4 version - 4/4/2011-10/7/2015-2
Gravity may be a statistical/resonance phenomenon. Electron fields around atoms, for example, would tend to distort in favor of net attraction, thus making gravitons unnecessary, or at least to be a secondary manifestation of the attractive tendency.
It is thus possible that the gravitational attraction exerted by identical masses of unlike composition would differ. It is also possible that the net attraction between pairs of such masses would further vary depending on which substances were paired, possibly due to mutual resonance (ref. diamagnetism in bismuth or supercooled sodium niobate). Testing these hypotheses would require large, spherical masses of purified substances suspended far from other large masses such as cliffs or large buildings so that any external, resonant effects would be minimized.
This simulation is designed to show whether the paths of two clusters of charged particles passing each other at any given distance curve toward each other.
The baryon/lepton ratio is included as a shortcut to speed up calculations. The original simulation dealt only with fundamental charges of equal mass (and charge).
It is possible that the structures of subatomic particles are also due in part to resonant motion of charges, in which case, charge may be the only necessary component of mass.
Furthermore, the apparent dichotomy between quantum mechanics and the larger-scale general theory of relativity may be resolved by a revised understanding of the nature of space. If the rate of rotation of a single object alone in its universe cannot be determined without the introduction of an external observer, then perhaps distance and even space as we conceive of it is some kind of quantum effect related to potential-energy levels where greater potential is interpreted as greater distance
Alternating Soccer Formations
Soccer is like a chessboard in that its configurations are out of balance, requiring player motion to fill the tactical gaps.
My favorite three-line configuration would be 4-3-4 for maximum passing options, offense and defense, but this is not allowed.
Below are some attempts at addressing this problem.
"W" Configuration
Used primarily for offense, including kickoff
x x x
x -- x
x : x : x
x -- x
"M" Configuration
Used primarily for defense
o -- o
o : o : o
o -- o
o o o
Alternate positions show complete field coverage
x o x o x
o x o x o
x o x o x
o x o x o
Maximum passing options, efficient player motion.
Note that the four center midfielders (highlighted) do not have to move to implement the change in configuration, thus saving their energy for control of the midfield.
The shift is accomplished by the center back moving between sweeper and stopper positions along with the striker moving between deep and front striker positions in unison with the motions of the wings and outside fullbacks, as required.
The front midfielders double as deep strikers in the offensive configuration and as first line of defense in defensive configuration.
The back midfielders are in a position to prevent breakaways in midfield and diagonal shots on goal.
Compression/expansion, overlaps and forward/back shifts of the formation are executed in unison to maintain full field coverage and control.
The configuration charts do not mandate player positions during play. They are only intended as guidelines to role, mind set and relation to other players, not to stifle creativity. All three of the above must adapt as players switch positions during play. Set pieces such as corner kicks, goal kicks and free kicks need only be adjusted to anticipate the configuration best suited to deal with each possible result of the play. Open-field drills such as overlaps, wall passes and give-and-go should be practiced in both configurations. The "W" configuration is recommended for offensive drills such as centering to the goal area, which allows for far-side reception as well as coverage of broken plays by the deep strikers.
To offset the temporary gap at midfield during the transition, execute the front line switch at a different time from the back line switch on changing to defense, and play the ball forward from the goalkeeper only after the transition to offense is completed, or when firm possession of the ball can be maintained.
"4-1-2-3" Configuration
Combines strengths of offense and defense
o o o
o - - - - o
: o :
o : : o
o - - o
This variation alternates a strong offensive formation with a strong defensive formation while eliminating the temporary gap of the W-M transition. The distances the players must cover, especially the wings, wing backs, striker and center mid, are significantly reduced. The central forward diamond can be moved back slightly for offensive timing and improved midfield coverage, rotating as needed. The team must move as a unit to maintain full field coverage. Variations will occur according to opponent positioning and the location of the ball.
"2-3-3-2" Configuration
Increased scoring options and midfield coverage
o o
o o o
o o o
o o
All the above configurations can transition easily through this basic formation as needed, as can several other options in current use.
Note that the midfield lines or at least the two midfielders will need to shift laterally relative to each other, depending on ball position, to keep triangle passing options for the whole team. Alternately, the two midfield players can rotate to a lateral configuration as needed, preserving the sideline passing options of the wings and wingbacks.
"4-1-2-3" Configuration (Expanded)
Increased midfield coverage and scoring options
o o
o o
o o
o o
The bent forward and back lines allow closer interaction between the wings and wingbacks substituting for the traditional outside midfielders. The secondary forwards can shift as need to fill that role. The middle three offensive players can also work in a rotating/alternating triangle to provide varied attack patterns. For example, one striker forward (as shown) with two supporting secondary attackers, changing to two strikers toward each post channel supported by one secondary forward with two passing options in the box. In both cases, the secondary forwards retain the option of a direct shot on goal as opportunity allows. This flexibility allows for maximum creativity among players and is not restricted to the three center forwards. For example, the center mid in possession or receiving a pass may rotate into the forward formation while the forward off the play moves back to cover.
Asymmetric Configuration
Allows for differences between players on each side of the field
o o
o o
o o
All traditional formations assume that the left and right side players are functionally equivalent. To accommodate inevitable differences in style and strengths, each side of the formation is adjusted differently. The formation shown above is only one possible variation. When a substitution is made, the formation shifts to reflect the change in personnel.
Note that in all the above variations the departure from the traditional three-line configurations provides more longitudinal field coverage, and aids in reducing the player movement required to keep the entire team connected while preventing opponent breakaways due to long forward passes, thus allowing greater range, efficiency and endurance.
A thought on corner kicks:
A significant portion of corner kicks are overstruck, but rarely is anyone in position on the far side to receive. Recommend a fourth player at the far side edge of the penalty box, preferably the midfielder on that side. That would require the corresponding wingback to move up to cover the vacated space. Since wingbacks often move up to cover rebounds outside the front of the penalty area, only a slight shift in the backfield would be needed to compensate, and would provide an additional chance on goal without significant risk of a breakaway on the opponent's part. The above tactic could also be applied to crosses from the corner region or the goal line.
On marking:
Defensive marking should leave no opponent within striking range of goal unmarked. At the same time, each player's relation to the team configuration must be preserved to keep the system from breaking down. If a marked opponent crosses into another defender's zone, the two defenders of the zones involved must switch assignments of the opponents to be marked in order to conserve energy and avoid crossing each other's line of sight at a time a screen shot could be taken by the opposition.
Another builds gym
Aurochs get by wimp
Best camping world
Box dirty wash plug
Buy flowing search,
Cloth expands fury
Curb exogamy hints
Drink chose at gulp
Dusk grew oily fact
Each points by murk
Exploding at crush
Fix pulmonary beds
Flair quest by pond
Frogs clamp the bun
Frond bug clash key
Gems fry pain cloud
Get symphonic bard,
Given two busy carp
Grown majestic fly
Gusty wind bore cap
Hawks bore zinc pug
Hay crew bog mud kit,
Hazing over my bulk
Hazy fog blinds jet
Hints for my plague
Hits pack more fund
Homing breaks cult
Idle why bran top us
Income halts rugby
Itch drove us blank
Jump lazy hive dogs
Junky bridle chaos
Kites go fly upward
Constants used in simulation:
Nominal time interval in femtoseconds (scaled). Actual interval will vary inversely with maximum acceleration placed on any particle.
Number of clusters.
Maximum cluster diameter in pixels.
Maximum component of velocity in pixels/fs.
x velocity offset of each cluster.
y velocity offset of each cluster.
Charge scale.
Mass of positive-charge particles.
Mass of negative-charge particles.
Main program - simulate particle motions:
Set conditions for this test.
Time between track markers.
Time between data records.
Baryon/lepton mass-ratio.
Mass of each cluster.
Total mass of all clusters.
Number of particles (always a multiple of 4).
For all objects, calculate initial x,y positions,
velocities, charges and masses. Particles are placed alternately into one of two spherical clusters. Even-numbered particles have positive charge; odd-numbered particles have negative charge. There is always an even number of particles in each cluster, therefore, an equal number of particles of each charge in each cluster. The simulation would be nearly meaningless if ionic attraction or repulsion were the dominant force.
x distance from center of cluster.
y distance from center of cluster.
z distance from center of cluster.
Distance from center of cluster.
Assign particle to a cluster with respect to x.
Assign particle to a cluster with respect to y.
Both clusters are on picture plane.
x velocity of particle.
y velocity of particle with offset to cause clusters to move past each other.
z velocity of particle.
Charge is +1 or -1 (scaled).
Mass of + and - particles may be different. On a smaller scale, mass may be irrelevant, a side effect of charge, but at this time, we do not have the computing power to test that part of the hypothesis.
Store distances between clusters with time stamps, speed and acceleration.
Record elapsed time, distance between clusters, change in distance, acceleration relative to cluster distance.
Close record file after each update for access with Notepad.
Display graphic of particles:
Clear old images gradually by tiling.
Display particle.
Display timing mark, if interval elapsed.
Display elapsed time.
Calculate distances and maximum accelerations between particles:
Small initial value for maximum acceleration between particles.
x distance from particle A to particle B in pixels.
y distance.
z distance.
Total distance between particles A and B in pixels.
Acceleration of particle B on particle A in pixels/fs^2.
Find maximum acceleration between particles. Time intervals need to be smaller for closer distances to preserve accuracy and speed up simulation.
Time interval varies inversely to maximum acceleration between particles to preserve accuracy and to speed up simulation.
Zero out total x,y,z acceleration before summation.
Add acceleration components.
x acceleration in pixels/fs.
y acceleration in pixels/fs.
z acceleration in pixels/fs.
x velocity in pixels/fs.
y velocity in pixels/fs.
z velocity in pixels/fs.
Detect collision between particles:
PRINT "Crash: particle";p?;" with particle";q?
Stop on crash.
Calculate centers of mass for each cluster and total particles:
0=cluster 0, 1=cluster 1, 2=total mass.
Clear cluster positions.
Correct for particle masses.
Display center of mass of each cluster.
Calculate new particle positions in pixels.
Reset elapsed time to next timing mark.
Reset elapsed time to next record.
Distance between centers of masses of clusters.
Speed of separation of clusters.
Relative acceleration of clusters.
Open record file for access with Notepad.
Append record of distance between clusters for analysis, with relative velocity and acceleration. If acceleration is detected, hypothesis is supported.
Keep previous distance for comparison.
Keep previous speed for comparison.
Next time point.
Start new data set on @ key pressed.
Reset conditions on # key pressed.
Next time interval. Stop on ^ key pressed.
Unique Letters
Each phrase uses any letter only once.
In this list, there are 16 letters per phrase,
not counting spaces and punctuation.
How many can you discover?
Loud graven chimps
Lung destroy champ
Mighty leopard cub
More fund this wavy
My bruins glow heat
My dark fish bounce.
Nets pry fluid hawk
Note quiz farms why
Old magnetic brush
Only take if crumbs,
Pilot under by wash,
Plot by warm genius
Quick brawny foxes
Quietly snack form
Quilt woven by camp
Racing owls but dye
Runs by tamed logic
Saving forked much
Strong wild by much
Thank sour mild yew
They can grow plumb
True symbolic pang
Unveil board myths
Victory has new bud
Wind up bleak story
Wok antics beg fury
Wring self to quack
Writes bad, no glyph
Yams could rent big
You can't flew birds
Zany bucks got wild
Zephyr blocks unit,
Zygotes crimp bulk.
Soccer Transition Options
All the transitions shown below require minimum player movement and minimize intermittent gaps in coverage. Players can train as a team to move between positions relative to each other. In this way, all the formations shown become part of a continuous system.
^ o - - o - - o ^
: : : :
o : : o
o o - - o - - o o
: : o : :
o : o : o
o o : o o
o o o
: o : o :
: : o : :
o o o o
o o
The rotating triangle of the center offense provides a smooth transition between the "W" and "M" configurations while presenting the problem to the opponent of defending against two different configurations simultaneously.
The defense can transition easily between a bent 4-1 configuration in the backfield to a 2-3 "W" allowing the wingbacks to double as outside midfielders in support of the forward wings and the centerback to move forward to reinforce the rotating offensive triangle. This allows for maximum creativity in the middle third of the field while keeping a wide formation overall preserving the offensive channels.
The 4-1-4-1 configuration can collapse into a 5-4-1 or even a 5-5 formation as needed to preserve a lead.
Windmill Project
Vertical axis turbines have two advantages over horizontal axis turbines: they are mechanically simpler and they are independent of wind direction. Their main disadvantage: the downwind portion of the turbine is partially hidden from the wind flow, which makes the design less efficient. The following add-on seeks to address this.
Provide equitable competition at all levels within a single system. No groups. No high vs low. Teams work up through the rankings as they improve. No limit to number of teams.

Transition Sequence
v o o v o o o o v v v v
v o v o o o o ^ o v v o ^ o v v v v o
v v o o o o o v o v ^ o ^ v o o o o
o o ^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
1-2-3-4 3-2-3-2 2-3-3-2 2-3-2-3 4-3-3 4-1-4-1 5-4-1
M-M W-M W-W Start
To transition between configurations (left to right), v players move down, ^ players move up, o players hold position.
v o v o o o o o o o o o
^ v o o v ^ ^ ^ o o o o o ^ o ^ o o o
^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ o ^ o o o o v o ^ ^ o o
o o ^ o o o o o o ^ o o ^ o o o o ^ o ^ o
5-4-1 4-1-4-1 4-3-3 2-3-2-3 2-3-3-2 3-2-3-2 1-2-3-4
Start W-W W-M M-M
Configuration changes during the run of play could be made more efficiently by audible call signals made by the coach or team captain and memorized in advance by all players. The configuration signals should bear a mnemonic resemblance to the formation for quick recall and be distinct from each other for easy recognition. In the first row of the following example, the first two consonants of the signal are the name of the formation. In the subsequent rows, the first and last letters define the name. In later cases, one key letter simply precedes the other.
Wow Wombat Mammal Meow
Window Worm Momentum Mildew
Willow Warmup Molybdenum Minnow
Snowplow or Snowman Magnesium Mower
More than one possibility can be used for each formation to avoid easy recognition by the opposing team. A given word should not often be repeated consecutively. Words not resembling those in the pattern could be called out on occasion to mask the signals actually in use. All the above examples assume that English is the language in use on the field.
The completed structures as shown are looking for a good home, especially the card stock models (polyhedra and space frame structures), which are sensitive to moist conditions. If interested, please let me know via the contact button on the main menu.
Infinity Puzzles
Coming soon.
Literally trillions of unique puzzles.
Double sided capability.
Can be linked together to form larger puzzles.
Create your own.

Dome of Silence
A problem with domes is wasted material. Construction sheets come in rectangles; domes use triangles. Here is a design that wastes no material (The flanges on the outside are just a construction technique. The holes at the vertices would disappear with rigid material.) Each section uses three diagonally cut pieces each consisting of one half square. The interior view (lower picture) shows right angle corners throughout, which makes them retroreflectors. Any sound bouncing off them returns to its source, regardless of its point of origin within the dome. Multiple people inside the structure would hear themselves louder than anyone else, and so would tend to talk softer. As a result, less sound would be perceived by anyone in the room. A possible application is a library ceiling.
A rectangular room theoretically has the same properties, but the wide ceiling reflects too much of the sound downward without reaching one of the four retroreflecting corners of the ceiling.
For reference, I am calling the design "The Dome of Silence."

The outer fairing is the important part. It guides the wind all the way around the turbine so that all the blades receive wind pressure all the time. The left side of the fairing completes the funnel effect to increase the wind velocity within the turbine housing. Power is proportional to the cube of the wind velocity (p=kv^3). The line shown at the top represents the orientation of the fairing that presents equal angles at both sides of the opening to the wind. Spent airflow exits at the bottom. The top on this model is closed to protect against the weather, not necessary on systems already weatherproof. The fairing could be added to any existing vertical axis turbine for increased performance.

This is a work in progress. Images will be added as work progresses.