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Me and My Camera

Long before TEGWorlds TotalContext, I had a vision in mind. I desired to take stunning (or at least interesting) photographs, capturing emotions as well as moods and scenery.  You get to decide to what extent I have succeeded.  Below are some recent samples.  See my TEG Worlds page for more pics.

Welcome to TEG Worlds Total Context

The Total Context home page is an attempt to make all my material available from a single starting point.


This page introduces places we've been, things we've seen.  All photos were  taken by us.  The usual copyright protections apply to all material on this site.  But, other than restrictions on redistribution, claims of ownership and commercial use, enjoy!  More on TEG Worlds.  Hopefully, more to come.


There’s a whole world out there just waiting to be explored. 

This page was originally written and designed entirely by the Wix AI program.  I have inserted my own photos and edited the text to better describe what I do.  To access my other material (not just photos), click the button below.  Thanks for your interest!





As a traveling photographer (that is, I take my camera with me when I travel), I try to catch the unique and interesting people and places that make our world so special. I am continuing to work at improving my photography techniques.  Check out what I’ve done, where I’ve been, and what I’ve photographed in my efforts to bring these wonders to life on camera.

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